It has been awhile since I updated everyone, but just like everyone else, our lives are totally crazy right now. This weather is crazy...
Lots has happened in the past few weeks...
First of all, I fell and likely fractured my tailbone. We can't confirm since xray is out due to BW2 but either way it stinks. The baby is fine but it makes one uncomfortable momma even more uncomfortable. Thanks to some friends, I did find a great chiropractor that specializes in pregnancy and am currently working with her to get things in tip top shape for delivery. Working with her is crazy painful but she has helped the baby move up a few inches so some of the pressure if off my pelvis.
In the meantime, my OB wanted to make sure all the pain in my low back and pelvis were legitimately a result of the musculoskeletal issue and not a sign of early labor so we got a few extra tests this month. Thankfully my cervix had not thinned any from the last visit.
At my last visit we did get to discuss delivery and my doctor assured me that the IUD alone is NOT a reason for me to have a c- section, as I had read in a couple of sources. That will only come to the table if there is some sort of complication at time of delivery. He did reiterate that it will be imperative that the IUD comes out with the baby, but he expects that to happen and for us to not run into anything else crazy. He has advised us to be ready for an early baby since at around 36+ weeks the IUD can irritate the cervix or burst your water. Then again, there is a similar chance she will be like her sister and stay 41+ weeks. Fingers crossed. Cutting back at work has been suggested by him numerous times, but anyone who knows me and my field knows that really isn't an option. Praying that my sanity and body hold out as long as possible so I can maximize my time with her and Jazzy after delivery.
Entering my third trimester we have decided we may want to get busy getting ready for this little bunny so we have finally started redoing both girls rooms. A big girl bed for Jazzy! She is very excited, but I forsee many injuries as she is already a little monkey jumping on the bed!
Looking forward to our next U/S at 28 weeks and getting to see this little gal again <3.